3 types of magical fire. They’re often illegal in civilized places.
Astral Bloom
It’s called an astral bloom because the little new star is unstable- when it explodes it looks like a beautiful blooming flower just before it nukes the surrounding area.
It's about a foot in diameter, too bright to look directly at it, smells like ozone, and will burn you to death in an instant if you touch it. The sound of its internal combustions is as loud as a jet turbine.
Direct exposure to an astral bloom causes sunburn, radiation sickness, mutations, and death.
All stars have nature spirits called Pleiades, of course. An astral bloom’s newly-formed Pleiad is loyal, naïve, friendly, and easy to manipulate.
An astral bloom is so small that its lifespan is only a few years; when it dies it explodes into a supernova, then a black hole, and its Pleiad becomes a hateful, starving specter.
Temporal Blaze
It looks like an inverted version of a normal fire- red smoldering core with blue flames leaping around the edges. It smells like old books & sounds like a high-pitched staticky hiss- a TV with no signal. It doesn’t hurt you when you touch it.
In the smoke that curls up from a temporal fire, you can see the past & the future in a disjointed conflation. When you see a person through the smoke, you may see them as they looked when they were younger & as they will look when they are dead.
when a blaze is big enough, things can come out of the smoke-visions, exploding into the present. Sometimes these things are monsters you’re supposed to fight in twenty years. Sometimes people you watched die a long time ago come into the present & thus escape their fate.
Temporal blazes emit pure oxygen. Breathing causes oxygen toxicity. You get dazed, nauseated, pass out, your central nervous system falls apart & spasms until you die or get help.
When you pass out your scorched psyche bombards you with fragments of your past & your future. These visions are always accurate but there’s no context provided. if you’re going to die in the temporal blaze, you see your own death. that’s all that’s left in your future.
Atlantean Fire-in-Water
Innocent name, evil purpose. The gods cursed the people of Atlantis for inventing Fire-in-Water.
This is a liquid form of fire, slick and oily and as hot as lava. Stinks like burning gasoline. It feeds on other liquids. A drop of Fire-in-Water can set a pond aflame.
Sweat, spit, tears, blood- all commingle with Fire-in-Water. At least half of the human body is water and therefore flammable.
Weapons dipped in oil and then set on Fire-in-Water are terrifically destructive. They pierce the skin, inject Fire-in-Water right into the body, and then all your blood’s on fire. Ouch.
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